I'm going to force myself to take a few minutes. Since setting up this cool blog page, I have proceeded not to log back on since that day. Oops! It's not that I don't love the blog, it's that I'm crazy busy right now. Between the kids starting school (Heather in 7th and Michael starting, GULP, deep breaths, Kristen....high school), and the crazy August/September workload at work you'd think that would be enough to occupy me, but in between those fun things, I've been painting, repairing and renovating the townhouse I bought 7/3. I have loads of pictures, but here are some of the befores. I have quite a bunch of afters now, but just haven't taken the time to upload them. When I finally sit down at the end of the day, I could care less if I even SEE a computer!!
Anyway, here are a few shots. These may be ones I've already shown, but whatever! :)
The front of the house - I can't wait to be somewhat "finished" inside so that I can get busy out here with landscaping. Paint and drywall are fun, but I want to get my hands dirty. You can't see the huge hybiscus plant in this picture - I'm afraid I'm going to have to cut it back or move it completely, as it's almost out to the door right now.

This is, or was the living room. With all due respect, painting an entire room magenta is just plain mean. It was fresh paint also, so someone obviously WANTED it there. Needless to say, it was almost a rush to get rid of this eyesore! Stay tuned for the after shot...you won't believe your eyes.

This is the dining room/kitchen (and in the background, the Barney purple room). I'm wondering if they were color blind. I'm all for bright colors and bringing brightness & a splash of life to the world, but this is on the over-the-edge side. Hence why I painted for about the first month!

Here's shot of the deck. Wondering how I'm going to fit furniture out there but so far I haven't even gotten around to that delimma. I'll save that for another day....
More later. Just wanted to be able to say that I'm not slacking the blog!